Regular schedules below:

St. Isidore Parish

Sundays @11:00 AM  @ St. Isidore Masses are offered in both languages during the month as follows:

    1st week     English ,   2nd week French,   3rd week English,   4th Week French

5th Week    English…..if there is a 5th week in mo.

Weekday Masses: ( always check bulletin for changes)

Monday - no Mass

Tuesday - Friday @ 9:00 AM  in the church

1st Friday of Every Month....Mass and Holy Hour @ 7:00PM in church

St. Therese Parish

 Mass at St. Therese - 9:00 AM Sunday.

Also check bi weekly bulletin for time changes if any.

Sacrament of reconciliation, 1/2 hr before mass

  St. Therese prays the Rosary before all masses.

St. Isidore offers a Children’s Liturgy from Oct to June during the 11AM Mass each Sunday for children ages 4 years old to 2nd grade. While attending Mass with their family, the children will gather in the hall down stairs to discuss the readings of that Sunday in a way they can better understand and appreciate. They will return to their families during the offertory collection for the remainder of Mass.

Please encourage your children to participate in this wonderful program. For more information call the Parish Office.